OFFICE: (330) 725-9195
FAX: (330) 725-9187
Medina Office
246 Northland Drive, Suite 200A
Medina, Ohio 44256
Brunswick Office
3511 Center Rd.
Brunswick, OH 44212
Wadsworth Office
1 Park Center, Suite 207
Wadsworth, Ohio 44281
Lodi Office
225 Elyria Street
Lodi, Ohio 44254

“AP provides very good service and also good relationships with Medina County Sheriff's Department.
An acquaintance has used AP services with good support. Also, we have seen Sheriff deputy intervention during mental health-related incidents that show many officers seem to be effectively trained on de-escalation and thoughtful handling of individuals during a crisis situation.
We are lucky to have AP in Medina County and lucky that they have a good working relationship with county law enforcement.”
- Mark Krosse